Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Photographed Arriving In Mexico Have You Escaped?

On January 6, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were spotted arriving in Mexico together. Exactly what they are doing there is still unknown. Maybe they are just taking the time to take the sun and much needed rest and relaxation before JB starts working on his new album, Believe, and before that Selena has to embark on a tour of South America. But why the secrecy? Why not tell anyone they were going to Mexico? Could have run away?

Jelena Whatever the reasons for the trip, thank God for the ubiquitous worldwide fraternity of the paparazzi. A crowd of paparazzi took pictures of Selena Mexican thirteenth and Biebs out of a white van in front of what looks like a hotel. They were also photographed taking a stroll around tropical luxury. Where are they? Cancun, perhaps? Or, possibly, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Acapulco or?

Justin Bieber wore a loose purple shirt with short sleeves, a wool cap pulled down over his ears, and a couple of strange white print pants / Paisley. Oh well, at least their pants stopped for a change. His light of love wearing a pair of Daisy Dukes and a white shirt with her
​​hair in a ponytail. In one picture, the Wizards of Waverly former star of looking directly at the scene photographers. It seems happy to see them. Perhaps he thought that her boyfriend and almost inexplicably famous could flee to Mexico unnoticed. Yes, of course.

That once again the question arises: Why the secrecy? Why the sudden departure without notice? Or as a fan site of Justin Bieber said:

"God these guys are moving fast. Only took a nap for a couple of hours and now Jelena is in Mexico! Do not know why."
In fact. Could it be that the worst nightmare shared by Justin and Selena's parents, as well as all belieber in the world has finally come true? Justin Bieber have escaped and Selena Gomez?

Uff. Before people weak and / or cut the veins, it is highly unlikely that two teenagers super family oriented as Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez escaped by themselves and get married. But sometimes love makes people do strange things.

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